Could lease finance transform your business?

Could lease finance transform your business?

If you’ve held back from investing in key assets for your business, you’re not alone.

The economic crisis has caused many companies to put off renewing essential assets such as office and IT equipment that their business really needs.

But did you know that lease finance can offer the ideal solution?

Leasing allows you to acquire key business assets with revenue budget. If you don’t have any spare cash or are facing conflicting priorities, leasing can help you to invest in the things your business really needs without having to spend capital upfront. And if you have money saved, you can plough it back into areas of your organisation that give you a strategic advantage.

It’s a great way to keep your business healthy and competitive.

The benefits of using lease finance:

Get the assets you need – without compromise

When spending cash, you may find yourself compromising on the solution because of restricted budgets. Leasing lets you invest in what your business really needs and boosts the purchasing power of your annual budget.

Protect and reinvest vital cash reserves

Leasing is the most sensible way to fund investments that don’t generate any direct revenue, like your PC’s, servers and printers. Your cash reserves can then be spent on strategic activity that is designed to make money and expand your operations.

Enjoy manageable repayments

You will have regular, predictable and therefore manageable payments for the lifetime of the contract.

Pay a flat fee for everything

Leasing solutions can cover the cost of the assets plus any initial implementation and consultation fees, as well as ongoing service arrangements – all within the same regular payment.

Easy, cost-effective upgrades

Leasing is a great way to actively manage your technology estate. It helps you to upgrade obsolescent assets to the most current solution, saving you expensive maintenance costs and business downtime as a result of a breakdown – whilst keeping to the same regular payment plan.

Get faster return on investment

In a deal financed by capital, return on investment can take years to achieve. With leasing the returns are faster, and the benefits can far outweigh the payments you make.

Very flexible end-of-term options:

You can arrange to retain, augment, upgrade or return your assets as you wish.